
A glimpse at our speakers so far. Keep an eye on our website for new arrivals!

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Carlo van de Weijer Eindhoven University of Technology - EAISI The Netherlands The Future of AI, Who's at the Wheel?
Charlotte Poot Stichting Hospital Hero / LUMC The Netherlands Empowering Children Through the Hospital Hero App: A Serious Game to reduce fear and anxiety for radiological examinations.
David Wortley 360in360 Immersive Experiences United Kingdom How Gamification, Wearables, Lifestyle Medicine and AI could transform Public Health
Dennis Arts Fontys University of Applied Science The Netherlands Designing tools for interdisciplinary collaboration: from research prototype to digital and tangible boardgame
Diana Eijgermans The Hague University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands The Influencergame: Empowering Prevocational Students to Counter Health Misinformation through Serious Gaming
Drew Crecente Jennifer Ann's Group United States Gaming Against Violence: History and Evolution of Bespoke Prosocial Video Games for Violence Prevention
Dylan Arnold Abertay University Dundee Scotland Video Games: A Tool for Mental Health or a Risk Factor?
Egge van der Poel Eggewel The Netherlands Data, Complexity, Learning
Ellis Bartholomeus Ellis In Wonderland & Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands Don't Forget to Play
Emmie Koevoets Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (University Medical Center Utrecht) The Netherlands The Role of Play in Mental Health of Children With a Chronic Physical Condition
Fares Kayali University of Vienna Austria StableHandVR - Virtual Reality Training for Restoring Hand and Finger Function
Gordon Brown Abertay University Scotland Exploring Visual Aesthetics and Performance in Indoor Cycling Exergames
Joanneke Weerdmeester HKU University of the Arts Utrecht The Netherlands Lessons Learned from the Design Rationales in E-Health Junior; Unlocking the Game of Perspectives
Joke Veltman IQ Health Radboudumc Nijmegen The Netherlands Melody Game for music training for cochlear implant users
Liga Berzina uzvediba.lv Latvia Cracking the Code. Practical Tools to Transform Challenging Behavior
Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen University of Twente The Netherlands Digitalization and Smart Use of Data
Lorenzo James Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands Automated Planning of Entertainment Content for Digital Health Interventions: A Technical Feasibility Study on "Dark" Gamification
Meyke Roosink University of Twente The Netherlands Following soon.
Olivier Blanson Henkemans TNO The Netherlands ePartners4All: A Co-Creation Initiative for Enhancing Child Wellbeing through Edutainment and Interactive Robot Support
Oscar Dalmau UCF - Continuing Education Center, inside Healthcare System in Barcelona - Catalonia Spain Healthcare Skills Toolbox
Puck Noorlag Sophia's Children Hospital / Erasmus MC The Netherlands Development, evaluation, and Future of Grow It!: a Gamified Smartphone App to Promote Overall Mental Wellbeing
Sander Bakkes Utrecht University The Netherlands How Pinball Play Supports Wellbeing
Stéphanie Carlier IDLab, UGent - imec Belgium Empowering Health : Personalised Serious Games and Gamification
Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer HAN The Netherlands Education Escape Room for Mental Health Professionals
Zofia Einhorn ThePlayground Israel Winning Hearts: The Quest Where Health Meets Gamification