31 March & 1 april 2025

Games for Health Europe Conference

NatLab @ Eindhoven

10th annual conference


Games for Health Europe Conference

The Games for Health Europe Conference is an annual conference where healthcare professionals, scientists and game developers come together to exchange experiences and create opportunities for applies games in healthcare. Think of games that increase self-management skills in patients, teach patients to cope with chronic conditions, and train specialist skills in healthcare professionals such as endoscopy or robotic surgery.

Conference theme 2025: What we learned yesterday to change tomorrow

Serious games have experienced an evolution over the past ten years. In this tenth edition of the Games for Health Europe conference, we will be looking back as well as reflecting on the future. Come and tell us your experiences and learnings: from the past, present and for the future!

Play is a global language

We know that play contributes to faster adaptation of new behavior. Serious games are relevant not only for healthcare, but for the well-being of people and planetary health as a whole. Playful intelligence, in addition to human and artificial intelligence, can shape the future.

How can we improve the world’s understanding of the relevance of serious games for our society?

Research, development, design or implementation; each perspective has its own story. Join the debate and bring your own success stories and important lessons learned from failures!

Early bird tickets – register now!

For a limited time only, early bird tickets are available. Register before the 31st of January and get a 25% discount on a full conference ticket!

"The enthusiasm and the innovation of the participants and the audience is different to other 'tech' conventions I have been to and it really feels like a place where projects are made, business is being done and where a family of worldwide enthusiasts come together to freely talk about how we are going to move games in the healthcare industry forward."
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Richard Brady
Senior coloral surgery

Why join the conference?

Be part

Be part of the largest international conference on serious / applied games.


Contribute to the true transformation of the healthcare sector.

Mix & match

Mix and match with stakeholders from different sectors.

Try out

Experience how serious / applied games transform healthcare.


Join open discussions of legal, financial and business challenges.
"I've thoroughly enjoyed our session and the rest of the Games for Health Europe congress, for its clinically relevant and significant subjects and its diverse, enthusiastic visitors."

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Dorien Nieman
University Senior Lecturer, Head of the Cognition Lab and coordinator of high risk patients at the AMC, department of psychiatry (NL), Keynote speaker in 2015
"The entire event was full of leading scientific content. It was a joy and an honour to be part of the panel, which was chaired excellently."

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Denis Fompeyrine
CEO MyndBlue, PhD Clinical Psychology, MBA HEC (FR), speaker in 2015
"One of the reasons why I enjoy Games for Health Europe so much, is the positive atmosphere and collaborative efforts. In addition to game developers, financiers and commentators, there are also clinical physicians, patient representatives and politicians."
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John Harrison
Principal Consultant at Metis Cognition Ltd. (UK), Chair since 2013

Join us in our mission!

We are on a mission to make a positive impact on the health and happiness of 1 billion people. At the Games for Health Europe conference, we bring together the best minds in game development and healthcare to join us in our mission.

At our in-house studio, Games for Health, we design and develop powerful, playful experiences for complex societal challenges. To scale up our impact, we launch successful products as ventures.

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