Visitor information
The conference will be held at:
Kastanjelaan 500
5616 LZ, Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Public transport
Strijp-S train station is a 10-minute walk from Natlab. At Eindhoven Central Station, take bus 401, 402 or 403 and depart at the Cederlaan bus stop.
Parking information
Are you using a navigation system? Use Kastanjelaan 103 to reach Natlab, which will guide you to the building opposite Natlab. This makes reaching the parking facilities easier.
Parking for disabled people is located to the left of the main entrance of the building. View the map to see the parking lot at Strijp-S, or the smart parking map to see which parking spaces still have space.
Note: Natlab does not sell parking tickets for these parking spaces.

The closest hotel option near Natlab is the hostel Blue Collar, located at a ten minute walking distance from the conference.
For other options in the neighborhood, check the map for a variety of 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotels in Eindhoven.