GFHEU Rocket 1

Launching rocket number 1

What do you do on a platform?
Launching rockets of course!

During the coference we will do just that: launching rockets! Every rocket is a beautiful new project that will be launched at the conference. There are big rockets witch will make a lot of noise and have a press conference while taking off and there are smaller rockets. But they all do have the same purpose: making people happy and healthy by intrinsic motivation.

We are going to launch a lot of rockets so don’t miss any of them and collect them all 🙂

Rocket Number 1: UNMASK

7 October we launch at the GAMES FOR HEALTH EUROPE conference together with Lymph&Co a brand new citizens science game called: UNMASK. It’s a game to puzzle for science in the fight against Lymphoma. We will start with this game to help the super scientists of AMC – Academisch Medisch Centrum, UMCG Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen and UMC Utrecht to beat the Lymphoma Monster. Real power emerges when we all work together. Solving the complicated puzzle called lymphoma, is done by us all solving a little piece of that puzzle.

If you want to meet the super scientist then please join the workshop and subscribe. And discover why Bernhard van Oranje started this fight with the Lymph&Co foundation. Or maybe you are just curious to learn how a.s.r. verzekeringen and EIFFEL contribute to this fascinating project. Or if you want to joint this project: let us know.

To subscribe for the workshop and conference, register here.