Joao Zaggia

Director at Triunica Gamification
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Founding partner of TRIUNICA Creative Human Development and general manager of the Corporate Health Movement, entrepreneur, consultant, university professor and lecturer. Creator of more than 30 Games (Gamification) for companies like Gol, Bradesco, Ita\u00fa, H.Stern, Nespresso, Westrock, Liberty Seguros, Pernambucanas, Comg\u00e1s, Meizler – Ucb, among others.

National and international speaker with the creation of Disney Excellence Gamification. Certified in International Health Congresses Hero Corporate Wellness Orlando 2013, Behind the Scenes 2013/2014 and 2015. Participant and speaker at the largest international congresses in the area, \”Gamification World\” in 2015 and 2016, ”Games for Health” in 2016, 2017 and ABTD Lecturer and CBTD in Brazil.



Microlearning (rapid learning), as a worldwide trend for human development, has been taking more and more space in the area of T & D. In addition to this great trend, gamification presents itself as a method, an engaging and significant tool to involve and promote great learning for participants. Why not join these two great tendencies? This work aims to present the creation of possibilities of microlearning through humanized gamification, using elements of face-to-face games that connect people and bring great results.

Thematic: Learning Methodologies and Processes

– Present the concepts of microlearning and gamification and how these tools together are powerful.
– Teach the process for creating a face-to-face microlearning plan through humanized gamification.
– Assist in the development of possibilities, considering different scenarios.

Applicability of the Proposal:
Learn in practice and generate inspirations for the T & D professional to develop a Microlearning project through humanized gamification.