Jan Derksen

Associate professor at Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)


Jan Derksen (1953) studied journalism, psychology (Ph.D 1983), sociology, philosophy and psychopharmacology. He is employed by the Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherlands), the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and is active as a primary care psychologist and psychotherapist in the clinical practice Derksen & Klein Herenbrink near Nijmegen.

In the late seventies and eighties he was one of the pioneers in starting primary care psychology in the Netherlands, in the eighties in his research projects, he introduced assessment methods to diagnose borderline personality disorder and wrote the first Dutch handbook on personality disorders (1993, also published in the USA). Recent books are on narcissism, uncovering psychotherapy, psychological assessment and the relationship between neuroscience and psychology. He was in charge of the Dutch research in de MMPI-2, MMPI-A and emotional intelligence test (BarOn Eq-i). He is trained as a classical psychoanalyst, cognitive behavior therapist and top CEO coach. He specialized in short psychodynamic psychotherapy.


Brain, play and creativity
New knowledge about the brain help us to understand the role of play for human animals. This will be connected to creativity, phantasy and a satisfying mental life.


What about brains and games
The results of an ongoing research project in collaboration with GFH Europe will be discussed. Research in neuroscience and psychology has produces many new insights and techniques that can be very helpfull for young parents in raising their kids without too many psychological and physiological disorders.