So you are in healthcare
At the conference you have plenty opportunity to learn about new, innovative not drug related treatments and prevention. You can test them and create your own experiences about how they actually work. During the many workshops and presentations you can meet other stakeholders like medical scientists, game developers and colleagues to discuss potential applications of games for health in your daily practice. And of course, share your own experiences or get new fresh ideas for immediate mind changes.

Why join as a healthcare professional?
Learn about new, not drug related treatments, interventions and prevention
Across the world, more and more serious/applied games are designed, even prescribed and used by patients.
The aims of these games vary from prevention and therapy to rehabilitation. The key element is always fun: people want to play, and improve their health and well-being almost as a side effect.
Don’t you want your patients have more fun in their life?
Experience market-ready games for health
The conference provides plenty opportunity to meet game designers. Find out what they have to offer you and your patients. Find out about exciting new technologies and approaches, test yourselves the latest games, experience the benefits and get inspired! It may change your daily practice and result in more satisfaction in your own life.
See the proof that they really work
Although patients are enthusiastic about serious/applied games, still too many of your colleagues, and even perhaps yourself are not convinced they actually have the desired effect. During this conference we will pay special attention to validation, so you will return home with the latest proof of true value for you and your patients. And we will provide lots of opportunities to test and discuss the functionality. Participate active and experience that serious games actually do what they claim!
Meet health scientists, game developers and colleagues
The full range of stakeholders in games for health will be present at the conference, including game designers, scientists, healthcare innovators, policy makers and, of course, physicians and nurses such as yourself. Engage in discussions, refresh your knowledge of the market, share your experiences if at all with others and find partners for new projects!
Discuss potential applications in your everyday practice
It’s healthcare professionals like you who actually deal with the patients. Therefore, transforming the healthcare sector through game technologies is only possible with your support. Other conference participants will be eager to meet you, learn from you, whether you are an experienced prescriber of not, and discuss potential applications of their technologies in your everyday practice.