René Otto

Lawyer at van Iersel Luchtman Attorneys


René Otto is an interactive entertainment attorney at Van Iersel Luchtman. He is specialized in Intellectual Property and Employment law.

René advises parties who develop, publish or apply (serious) games, VR/AR applications or other forms of interactive media. Next to that he loves loves to talk about the possiblities for serious games as a solution to social problems and tries to facilitate these solutions by finding the legal possibilities to apply them successfully.

René is a member of the Video Game Bar Association, which is an invitation-only organization whose members represent the leading legal practitioners in the games industry.


Realizing innovation by playing with IP

Intellectual Property Law intends to stimulate innovation and technical progress. However, in practice it frequently happens that collaborations and innovations are not becoming a reality because of discussions about IP ownership between stakeholders.

Most of the time this is not necessary, because the possibilities with IP are almost as endless as with the protected forms of innovation. René Otto and Tim de Klerck will illustrate that collaborations resulting in playful intelligence can in fact be realized by playing with IP as well!