Liesbeth Bonekamp

Msc. Program Manager at Game Solutions Lab


Liesbeth Bonekamp (MSc) graduated as industrial designer at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering TUD. She was partner in two design & strategy studio’s in Rotterdam and after leaving she continued to manage design projects as a free-lance project leader within several multidisciplinary design studios. Additionally, she also managed several projects in China and India for the Dutch creative sector.

Liesbeth was one of the founders of the O2 Netherlands, the Dutch branch of an international network on sustainable design (1992) and the Eternally Yours Foundation on cultural product longevity (1996). Which illustrates her main fields of interest: societal challenges. She loves exploring new domains through making connections to her work field, and developing meaningful interventions.

In 2018 she initiated a VR/AR fieldlab on Social Cohesion at pop-podium the Effenaar in Eindhoven. Where she met one of the founders of Game Solutions Lab; her current employer.


Connecting Generations

DELA, Radboudumc and Game Solutions Lab recently started an innovative project to fight loneliness among elderly by using digital games. Currently more than 50% of the 1.3 million persons aged 75 and above in the Netherlands have loneliness complaints.

In a joint project, Game Solutions Lab and DELA are developing a digital gaming platform which aims to connect elderly and young people, starting with grandparents and their grandchildren. Researchers from Radboudumc develop research models in order to collect data and to validate game concepts and outcomes.

In this project the assets of complexity science and of the creative industry are combined. The project is now in the early stage of concept development. The presentation will show some inspiring results of tests with the target group.