Eng Chuan Neoh

Senior Physiotherapist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (SG)
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Mr Ashton Neoh Eng Chuan is a senior physiotherapist from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore with extensive clinical experience in in-patient orthopaedic setting and out-patient musculoskeletal clinic. He has a Masters in Clinical Physiotherapy (manipulative therapy) from Curtin University, Australia and has been actively involved in clinical research, clinical data collection and analysis for Total Knee Replacement (TKR). He is also a key member of the TKR pre-operative education team to provide pre-operative education to TKR patients and carers. He is consistently working with orthopaedic surgeons, nurses and other healthcare professionals for quality improvement project, to improve care standards and treatment delivery across the TKR journey.

“Fun-Knee”, One of his serious games project, won the First Prize at Singapore Healthcare Innovation Challenge in 2016. In 2017, He won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SEGAH), in Perth, Australia. He is highly interested to collaborate with technical experts to develop serious games to improve standard of care for patients.


Serious Games Application in Rehabilitation

This is a talk to discuss the application of serious games in rehabilitation field, from the process of identifying clinical needs through gap analysis, brainstorming the potential solutions until the decision made to use serious games to enhance rehabilitation outcome. In clinical setting, serious games is still relatively new. Hence, speaker would like to explore possible strategies to overcome barriers and getting buy-in from the clinicians. Lastly, speaker will share his experience about application of serious games in Total Knee Replacement (TKR) rehabilitation.