Dennis Arts

Researcher at School of Sport Studies, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
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Dennis is a lecturer and researcher at the School of Sports Studies, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, with the specialisation of measuring physical (in)activity. He is also doing his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology. The title of his PhD track is: Designing for an active lifestyle. The aim of this PhD research is to develop a methodology that enables designers to systematically and interdisciplinary design, custom-made, wearables that contribute to the incorporation of physical activity into the daily routine of adults.


Exploring board games as a tool for envisioning mHealth solutions

In designing health-related wearable technologies, to promote sustainable physical activity, expertise, knowledge and skills from different disciplines should be combined. Reason is the growing levels of physical inactivity, the speed of change in technological innovations and the changing user needs. Yet, a collaboration between disciplines is not straightforward and needs special attention. Experts from different disciplines have different backgrounds, design methods, implementation, evaluation and use a different ‘language’ which leads to sub-optimal project outcomes.

We present the development of a board game as a tool to provide an environment for the interdisciplinary teams in which these factors are reduced or removed. Our goal is to allow interdisciplinary teams to become faster, making them progress through their design cycle earlier, more quickly and effectively.