Annette Brons

Researcher Hogeschool van Amsterdam


Annette Brons studied Human Movement Sciences (VU Amsterdam) and Artificial Intelligence (Utrecht University). Currently, she works as a researcher at the Digital Life Centre at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. She focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, with special interest in exercise and physical activity. The current presentation is part of the SIMBA study, in which an app to stimulate children with asthma to become more physically active is developed.


Suitable and sustainable health game development through the Concept Mapping method
Children with asthma can decrease the impact of their disease with physical activity. However, these children are known to be less active than their healthy peers. Gamification of exercise as medicine may increase their motivation to be physically active. Currently, a health game that matches the specific needs of children with asthma does not exist. To develop a tailored health game for these children, it is important to know the stimulating factors from the perspective of the children, their parents, and their healthcare providers. Using the concept mapping method, we obtained insight in these stimulating factors. The results of the concept mapping method showed that physical activity stimulation in children with asthma can be influenced by different factors in which knowledge, personal empowerment and joy seem important factors. Subsequently, these factors were translated into specific health game requirements that were used to develop the new digital tool for healthcare providers that stimulates physical activity in children with asthma.