Sveinung Tornås

Head of Innovation and e-health at Sunnaas hospital (NO)

Sveinung Tornås

Head of Innovation and e-health at Sunnaas hospital (NO)


Tornås is a psychologist from the University of Oslo. He has been employed at Norway’s’ major rehabilitation hospital Sunnaas for more than 20 years. For the past 6 years, he has worked as the hospital’s Head of innovation. He has written both textbook chapters and published research articles.
Tornås is particularly concerned with innovation culture in organizations, innovation as a method of organizational change, and the implementation of technology in hospitals. Sunnaas rehabilitation hospital has carried out a number of innovation projects (50+), not least related to gamification, health care and rehabilitation. Games and rehabilitation is seen as a very promising area for the future development of services and solutions, targeting both patients and health care providers.


StumbleStop – fall prevention through simulation-based training

Each year 37.3 million falls occur that severe enough to require medical attention. Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide.The average health system cost per one fall injury episode for people 65 year and older in Finland and Australia was US$ 3611 (in 2003) and US$ 1049 (in 2002) respectively. Prevention strategies should emphasize education, training, creating safer environments, prioritizing fall-related research and establishing effective policies to reduce risk.
Our mobile and online game is part of the solution to this serious health issue. Designed to help healthcare professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes to train in a realistic, but risk-free environment; tips on coaching and helping patients in daily routines to prevent falls; to build and share knowledge on risks and prevention strategies; and to measure results and improve practice. Developed by ATTENSI, experts in creating high impact training programs based on 3D simulation and game design in cooperation with Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital Norway’s largest specialist hospital in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The program consists of a KnowlegeApp to build knowledge on facts about falls, communication and documentation, prevention strategies and risk assessment; a simulation where healthcare professionals train on best practice fall prevention in a realistic, but risk-free environment ; and a implementation plan with results measures to improve practice. The main goal of the program is to give patients safe healthcare and minimize their risk for falling in healthcare institutions.