Manon Junggeburth

Msc., Designer & Researcher at the Game Solutions Lab

Manon Junggeburth

Msc., Designer & Researcher at the Game Solutions Lab


Manon Junggeburth has a background in industrial Design. During her studies at the TU/e she focused on user centered design and methods: especially qualitative research and prototyping. At Game Solutions Lab she can combine design and research through design with the healthcare context which is still a very new, not yet fully discovered context.

Manon makes use of her empathic skills to find the user’s true wishes and needs. Empowerment is something that is always in mind: we need to make sure every person is always in charge of his or her own process, no matter what. Playful solutions and games are the way to go when helping people facing and handling their problems and processes and make sure that every day counts!


MatchIt – a game to connect elderly

It is not easy to meet new people when you get older and your network is decreasing. Loneliness is a serious topic nowadays: people find it hard to get in touch with others even when you live very close to each other! This is absolutely a pity since the social moments during the day, really contribute to your feeling of happiness!

Game Solutions Lab, together with Thebe, designed the game ‘ Match it’ to help people to get in touch and get to know each other based on similarities: matches.

Come, play MatchIt yourself and get to know new people you have never met before!