
For whom?

For everybody involved, occupied or employed in innovative and/or daily processes in the healthcare, medical or wellbeing sector; for those who work in governments, municipalities or health insurance organisations; for those in any way interested or involved in the applied game industry. All are most welcome to join the discussion, to become inspired or to exchange ideas at Games for Health Europe 2018.


Many serious games have been created to be applied in healthcare, in cure or in associated areas. In general, patients’ reactions are enthusiastic, their experiences are positive. On the other hand, medical professionals are reluctant to apply or even prescribe games in their daily practice. Why is this? Because they are not convinced about the effects of applied games. After all, they believe, games are for fun, not for a serious matter as healthcare. At this years’ conference special attention will be payed to validation in presentations and workshops. And there will be many opportunities for participants to play and test. Come and experience that games for health actually work!


For (BIG registered) Dutch care providers, the Games for Health Europe Conference was accredited with 6 points per day by ABAN (Accreditatie Bureau Algemene Nascholing). Accredited with 6 points per day by verpleegkundig specialisten, and accredited with 9 points by Kwaliteitsregister V & V en Register Zorgprofessionals.

Why join the conference?

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Mix and Match




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