Ellis Bartholomeus

CPO Ellis in Wonderland (NL)

Ellis Bartholomeus

CPO Ellis in Wonderland (NL)


For over 20 years ellis developed interactive and playful products and learned about designing motivation and interaction, she assisted in designthinking processes, conducted innovation workshops, taught in classes and gave lectures and is now looking to scale that message of play as a medium and tool to find and meet it’s audience. Do you want to find out more about the phenomenon of play and games to bring your message across in the attempt to truly engage an audience. Play allows true ownership to the player by meaningful interaction and has a great impact when designed and implemented well.


Artificial Stupidity

Many games are developed as systems for players to interact with and within, the play area is defined as a magic circle in which the players is invited to explore and learn where the boundaries are, what the rules are that keep the game alive and strong, or how to destroy the game by breaking rules. Artificial intelligence plays a large role in the creation of digital games. Yet many misunderstandings about AI are alive… this needs some critical thinking. Can we play the ethics of artificial intelligence ? Shall we… looking forward to hear you opinion on outsmarting Artificial or Natural Intelligence.